Sunday, July 10, 2016

My Exciting Saturday

Hi Friends!! 

I had the best Saturday EVER!! First me and my family went for breakfast at my FAVORITE Mexican Restaurant Ruthie's Mexican Restaurant its located at 1423 West Ave in San Antonio, TX.  They have the nicest waitstaff too!! 

Then we went to the Sci-Fest Comiccon at Wonderlands of America.  I meet so many cool friends.

Like Ironman 

Batman, Superman & Friends 

These guys!! 

I even saw my good friend Leatherface 

It was really the best Saturday ever!! I hope everyone had a great weekend!  Talk to you soon friends!! 



Monday, July 4, 2016

Hello and Welcome!

Hello Friends!! Happy 4th of July and Welcome to my new Blog! Here is a little about me!

* I am a JellyCat Bunny
* My name is Smokey
* I live with my Mama, Daddy, Brothers, Sister and Dog.
* We live in San Antonio, TX
* I like to go on adventures with my Mama.

My mama is going to keep this blog up for me! I hope you stop by again and see what I am up too!

Thanks for stopping by today!